The cemeteries are full of Christians . . .
So was Jesus lying about everlasting life ? ? ?
Whether with the eyes of experience, or the innocence of youth, encounters with death often leave us gazing into the threshold of eternity with apprehension and questions.
A Godly Groundskeeper
I have childhood memories of going with my Granddaddy to mow the church cemetery.
Walking among the gravestones wasn’t creepy. We had conversations that gave me peace and respect for the dead.
These thoughts have comforted me through the emotional crises of his funeral and other funerals throughout my life.
Our book, “I’m With Jesus” is merely a tool designed to facilitate these kind of conversations among family members.
Remember though, my Granddaddy didn’t have a book, nor was he an intense Bible scholar.
He wasn’t trained through anything other than his love for God and his prayer life.
A few moments reading our webpages will show you how to have these kind of conversations with your children either with our without a copy of our publication.
The words and pictures in our book are intended to help your child give voice to their awkward, unspoken questions about death.
They may be too young to ask the questions or understand the ideas presented in parts of this book.
Use the paperclips as explained in the book’s letter to the narrator. Place them on designated pages to adjust the reading to their age level, as well as your comfort level. The unread paper clipped sections will make sense as they grow older.
Memories of your comforting gift will last far after you are gone . . .
Whether you are out of town, or in heaven . . .
with your personalized gift of this book, a child won’t ever have to face awkward, unspoken questions alone trying to understand the pain of loss.
Though their copy of “I’m With Jesus” is presented as a keepsake, the child may or may not keep it.
Either way, it is a tool that can activate their memories of a deceased loved one’s love for God and His goodness.
Just as I have grown into a better understanding of my Granddaddy, their memories of your loving consolation will last a lifetime as they grow into their understanding of your faith.
Our spiritual strategy in developing this book involves personally reaching out to grieving families during the initial grieving period of funerals and memorials. We cannot do this alone.
You may prayerfully consider using this book in your ministry as a caregiver, church member, or Christian friend by presenting it to a grieving family.
However, please read our word of CAUTION as you reach out to comfort the grieving in your Christian community.
Then allow your love for God and your community to guide you in giving a portion of your resources to personally or anonymously help grieving families share their faith with their children.
“. . .Let the little children come unto me.”
Mark 10 :14
Support of this ministry comes from your prayerful purchase of our workbook as a gift to grieving families.