Will the Easter Bunny be in heaven ? ? ?
Suggestions to Narrators:
These upper reading level pages are posted on the web site as examples of how text and picture can generate conversations.
The book preview has the first few pages in sequential order.
The words and pictures in this little book are intended to help you sooth your troubled child with YOUR beliefs about Jesus and His Heaven. . . . . Consider creating memories of comfort during grief by taking time to read to your child from THEIR book about your loved one.
Jesus said that believers are the light of the world . . . this means that memories of our lives will show the way to hope in Jesus and His heaven. Our loved ones will shine out like stars in the night when memories bring godliness to light!
Read aloud moments can be used to discuss OUR experience with God’s Goodness.
Discussing that WE are forgiven can help your child understand the Christian concept of salvation, being forgiven with the Awesome Goodness of knowing that Jesus loves you.
Encourage questions about unfamiliar words or ideas like cherish or innocence.
Personalized answers that point out God’s goodness in your life will allow them to examine your hope in Jesus while expanding their vocabulary.
Using their book to create and record these special moments empowers it to nurture loving memories both now and in years to come.
Remember though, the words and pictures in this book can nurture loving memories, but you are the best therapy. Children flourish with our love and attention. They need time with you to create and share loving memories of God’s Goodness in life.
Some children may want to read alone, or they just may not want to read today. So make gingerbread!
Love is the magic formula.
With a servant’s heart, your love for God will guide you.
He inspires love in the worst of circumstances. Think of Calvary. The crucifixion was a pretty bad experience for Mary, yet she found God’s plan of everlasting life in the tragedy of her son’s death!
If your child questions why a departed loved one can go to Heaven with character flaws,
just speak the truth in love… Discuss what YOU believe about your loved ones being
forgiven and going to Heaven.
Be honest, let your child know that we don’t have all the answers, but we can look for some answers together, and above all, we can have peace in knowing that God is good . . .
Some children may be able to confront difficult emotions and talk about feelings of blame, guilt, anger . . .
When we confront negative feelings toward God, we may find ourselves in a spiritual battle that questions God’s character. If He is so good, why is life so painful?
We cannot help a child in their battle while we are battling our own doubts. However, we have the advantage of memories of past experience if we take a few moments with this exercise.
Suggestions to Meditate in God’s Goodness
God is in heaven, but He always knows our thoughts.
We, however, have a selective awareness and must become aware of His presence by focusing our attention, much like becoming aware of subtle smells in the air around us. This cannot be done in a sixty second encounter.
Take time to savor God’s presence in your heart, mind, and soul as you quietly ponder.
- Take a moment to thank God for reassuring you of His Goodness in past situations.
- Consider any doubts about His Goodness that currently confront you or your child.
- Think of a Bible verse or past experience that confronts these doubts.
“…we glory in tribulations also; knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience experience; and experience, hope: and hope makes us not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us…”
(Romans 5:3-5)
Answers often lead to more questions, but remembering our past experience can lead to a greater sense of God’s loving presence.
As you go on to edit the biographical information on the book pages, you’ll notice that we believe that the key to finding answers that give us peace is looking for and expecting God’s goodness in the world.
. . . And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them.
Mark 10:16
Support of this ministry comes from your prayerful purchase of our workbook as a gift to grieving families.