Prayer is talking to Jesus . . . . .
(Of course, He doesn’t have to hear our voice, just tell Him in your thoughts how you feel.)
Romans 8:26
Some people pray with uncontrollable weeping.
Some people keep a prayer journal.
As a child, I looked forward to hearing my Granddaddy lead the family in prayer before every meal that we ate together.
His love for Jesus seemed to resonate around the table in the tone of his voice.
Talking to Jesus
However, prayer is such a deeply personal inner-conversation with God, that we are rarely aware or our loved one’s prayer life.
We all express our love and gratitude toward God differently in our innermost thoughts.
I sure hope you learn to love Jesus.
Our Eternal Jesus has always known every thought we will ever think.
He knows our every sin . . . . . .
before we ask to be forgiven.
Before He created the heavens and the earth, He knew what your loved one thought about the child.
What were your loved one’s Godly hopes and dreams for the child?
(Ephesians 5: 9-10)
People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have Him touch them. . .
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