KNOWING that Jesus forgives you is better
than gingerbread cookies and candy because . . . . . .
Being Forgiven . . . . . pages 18-19
Many Christians can remember the exact moment when they chose to believe.
They realized that they had deliberately hurt God with a particular sin, but trusted to be forgiven thru Jesus.
Playing with hats
Some cannot remember. . .
knowing only that they love Jesus who died for them.
Some share that eternal moment with certainty.
Some do not, but live a quiet faith in their love for Jesus.
Fill in these pages with truth.
The way you remember your loved one expressing their love for God and His goodness.
Take a moment to thank God for placing these individuals in your life…
God knows your thoughts, just think about your loved one, and their goodness.
Some of us are reluctant to talk about Jesus… living a private faith with a loving heart.
We may have never seen our loved one in church, or heard them utter a prayer, but that doesn’t mean God was not in their thoughts.
1. How did they help you think about Heaven’s Goodness?
2. What did they do during crossroads and crisis moments?
3. For instance, when you were grieving the loss of another loved one, how did they console you through your grief?
4. Servants of God, in some word or deed, how did they give you the hugs that we need?
Tell your child how God’s Goodness in your loved one impacted your life.
Acknowledging their influence lays a foundation of looking for God’s guiding presence in others throughout our lives!
Jesus loves us all, but not everyone loves Jesus. In some situations, we may not feel comfortable telling a child that their loved one is with Him in heaven.
Don’t despair.
Just tell them how you feel and why.
Use your presence with permission to talk or cry to suture their wounds in any conflict between God’s goodness and death.
You can’t resolve their conflicts, but you and Christian friends can point them to Jesus.
. . . and Jesus took the children up in His arms . . . and blessed them.
Support of this ministry comes from your prayerful purchase of our workbook as a gift to grieving families.