And will Grandma’s Papaw
And His Grandma all be in heaven too ? ? ?
This book is written to help you tell children what your family believes about Jesus.
It is your story.
There are a few pages of biographical information about the deceased’s faith.
You will notice these page numbers in the drop down menu where we provide editing suggestions that are appropriate for any Christian faith.
Pages 3 and 47 have spots for photos to be added.
Photos help us remember our favorite times with departed loved ones as we laugh and weep together.
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As you chose photos to place in the book, remember that they will activate your child’s family memories.
Memories that carry us through life.
Viewing them may lead to weeping together as your tears give permission to cry.
Sometimes we seem to hold back our tears until we discuss our loss.
The designated pages can be filled in before showing it to the child, or you may want to invite them to help fill in the spaces and picture spots.
Either way, while reading them their book, explore your faith together by giving permission to listen, or speak and ask questions.
These are just a few suggestions to help you tell your loved one’s story about being with Jesus in His heaven.
A Christian is someone who believes that we go to heaven when we die because we have trusted the forgiving spirit of Jesus Christ.
Some Christians love going to church, but some do not.
Remember, God created Adam and Eve in diversity to reflect different aspects of His infinite loving image.
Though we are one in our love for Jesus, we were all created to be different.
We have different ways that we express our love to God and to one another.
This is why we have included Biographical Information about prayer (page 10) and forgiveness (page 18) to tell your loved one’s story.
Part of our spiritual personality is our own creative way that we live with God’s forgiveness in our thoughts and actions.
However, we are alike in several ways . . .
1. ALL Christians are sinners who love God.
2. We ALL believe that God is forgiving, and we love Jesus because He first loved us.
(1 John 4:19)
3. Our love for His goodness changes our lives as it draws us to prayer . . .
especially during moral and physical crisis.
4. As our lives are changed we ALL become a light in the world: faith heroes, showing people how to be loving.
(Matthew 5:16)
Every Christian’s life produces the fruit of a loving spirit . . .
even after we’ve gone to be with Jesus,
because our lives’s still shine with God’s goodness
in memories to those who have known us.
They cannot hear all our prayer,
but they have seen that we care.
But Jesus said, “let the little children come unto me . . . for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Support of this ministry comes from your prayerful purchase of our workbook as a gift to grieving families.